
CA-A460-P CENTAUR Relay Expansion Module

The CA-A460-P is a CENTAUR relay expansion module by CDVI. It provides an additional 7 relays and includes status LEDs and monitoring.

The CA-A460-P relay expansion module provides an additional seven relays to the CT-V900-A controller. Up to two relay expansion modules can be added to each controller. The relay expansion modules are connected to the controller via a RS-485 E-bus network, allowing you to install them at a maximum distance of 1220m (4000 ft.). The module features an activation status LED for each relay, a communication failure LED with an associated output, a 24-hour anti-tamper input and supply monitoring.

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CA-A460-P : pourquoi choisir ce produit

  • Outputs: 7 form C relays rated at 5A/28 VDC, N.C./N.O.
  • Up to 2 CA-A460-P modules per CT-V900-A controller
  • Connects directly to the CT-V900-A expansion bus (E-BUS)
  • Activation status LED for each relay

CA-A460-P : Downloads & links