
KCPROX WLC Stainless Mullion Keypad and Multi-Tech Proximity Reader (125 kHz)

The KCPROX WLC is a vandal-proof reader/keypad by CDVI. It reads 26-bits credential formats and has a Wiegand output.

The KCPROX WLC is a mullion proximity card reader and keypad, geared with a high performance read range and accessible, illuminated buttons. This reader/keypad is equipped with Wiegand technology which makes it compatible with CDVI and most popular 26-bits Wiegand card encoding.
Its stainless steel composition makes it highly resistant to vandalism and the perfect solution for outdoor applications.

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KCPROX WLC : What Sets it Apart?

  • Stainless steel / vandal resistant
  • Reads CDVI and most popular 26-bits credential formats
  • Indoor/outdoor application
  • Sealed in epoxy
  • Up to 3" (7.5 cm) read range

KCPROX WLC : Downloads & Documents